3 Things to Do in the Garden with the Kids This Summer

Young Boy Child Using Nutley's Children Kids Seat Storage Tool Bag

We all know it is important to keep the kids occupied, entertained and educated during the summer break and what better place to do this than in the garden; allowing them to spend time in the sun, take in the fresh air and get their hands dirty!

Here at Nutley’s Kitchen Gardens, we have put together three exciting activities you can do in the garden with your little one, allowing them to get creative and have fun whilst also helping improve the garden and encourage more birds and important insects to your plot.

Briers children's garden allotment tools and accessories

Make your own bird feeders using Nutley’s Coco Fibre Pots

If you are like us, you will love seeing birds in your garden and allotment. As well as buying the traditional dry seed, you can also make your own bird feeders with children to encourage a wide range of birds to your garden. This is a great exercise to let them get their hands dirty, whilst also learning about the different varieties of bird that you can look out for on your new feeder!

Try using some of our Nutley’s Coco Fibre Pots in Thick for the best results.

To make these fun bird feeder pots, simply mix a dry seed mix of your choice with lard until you have a mixture that can be placed and compressed in your Nutley’s pot. Then use some wooden skewers and create a cross at the top of the pot, place these a couple of centimetres below the top so it doesn’t rip if the pot gets too heavy. Make sure the skewers come out of the pot on each side and leave around 7-10cm of space for the birds to sit on and eat. From these skewers, you can also tie some Nutscene twine and hang them from a tree.

Grow your own produce using our Nutley’s Gift Tins

Teach your kids about the importance of growing their own food from an early age. From starting simple with one of our Nutley’s Herb Grow Your Own Gift Tins or attempting something a bit more challenging like our Nutley’s Old Peculiars Grow Your Own Gift Tin

If you are feeling extra creative, you can create your own seedling labels and design them with bright and bold patterns Why not try our Nutley's Large Wooden Seedling Labels and paint the vegetables you are growing in the garden on the label to make them extra special and easy to identify in the plot.

Get them to help in the garden with special tools

Looking for fun, special and high-quality garden tools for your children so they spend more time in the garden? Look no further than Briers and their large range of tools, clothing, and accessories available in funky and bright colours. From sturdy Orange Rigger Gloves to a Seat Storage Tool Bag, Briers have thought of it all. If you already have gardening equipment for your little one, keep the special Briers range in mind as they make great birthday or Christmas gifts for any little outdoor lover that you know!

Garden Allotment Briers Children Kids




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