What is FSC certification, and why does it matter?

Although this topic can seem a little wooden, we’ll try our best to keep it chipper. We’re covering what FSC stands for, what kinds of products you might expect to see it on, and why FSC certification is so important.
Who is the FSC?
FSC stands for the Forest Stewardship Council: a non-governmental organisation setting standards for responsible forest management. The FSC is an internationally recognised certification that ensures socially, economically and environmentally responsible management of the world’s forests.
What kinds of products are FSC certified?
Products made from wood, paper and cardboard can all be FSC certified, as the forests the material comes from are sustainably managed and credited by the Forest Stewardship Council.
Look out for the FSC logo on a product or its packaging. Click here to shop our FSC certified products.
Why does it matter how forests are managed?
Responsible management of the world’s forests is necessary to ensure they are still here for future generations. Their mission statement is: Forests For All Forever.
Some of the ways that the Forest Stewardship Council benefits forests, the environment, and the people that live within and near these spaces include:
- Enhancing the social and economic wellbeing of workers and local communities
- Upholding the rights of indigenous people by respecting their territories and vital resources
- Conserving, and restoring often fragile ecosystems, minimising negative impacts on the environment